
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Wild Rose Group

I have finished my second group of motifs for the museum project, and have shipped them off to England!  This group (the Wild Rose from the Priscilla Book 1 of Irish Crochet, page 12) took about a week to finish.  The main rose is about 2.75 inches in diameter, to give you some perspective.  I used size 80 thread over doubled size 10 PC, with a .06mm hook.  It was helpful to use painter's masking tape over my middle finger as protection against that pointy hook!  I now have a nice callous.  The smallest rings on the main flower were the most difficult to do.  I wrapped the PC around the base of a steel hook about 6 times (doubled) and then went to work with the 80 thread.  My eyes crossed!  I could only do two at a time, and then would take a break.
I am so excited to be contributing to this project!  I just love the idea of so many hands, all over the world, working together to create a beautiful exhibit.


  1. You're amazing! I love the intricacy of these.

  2. AWesome Kimberly! I am a begginer on irish crochet, but I do not dare to make it with so thin yarn.Congratulations..I really would like to try to make this motif, but without diagrams, it's not easy for me...It's wonderful!Greetings from Brazil :-)

  3. Hello, Kimberly. I came across your blog via a Google search for this very motif. I'm trying to recreate the Wild Rose Design in the book using #10 crochet cotton for the working thread, and a #6 steel hook. I was going to use Knit-Cro-Sheen/Speed-Cro-Sheen for padding-cord, but I'm thinking it's not thick enough. My motif isn't turning out well at all. The center is ripply and won't lie flat, and the petals get wider and wider with each row, even though there are the same number of chain-loops in each row. Help! What am I doing wrong??

    Thanks in advance,
    ~Rebekah G.~
